Let her launch normally from Steam or a desktop icon, you launch through Nexus and get your mods. I may still give her the TTW mod but there are few other mods I want to do that I don't necessarily want her to have.Īre you married to the Steam workshop? I'd just spin up Nexus and be done with it. If she has her own MS and Steam accounts on the same computer as me and I mod my game she would still get vanilla installs right?
I can give her access to the game through steam but wasn't sure how that works with modded games. I was going to just grab FO3:GOY this past weekend but I have been thinking about picking up FO3 and FO:NV w/DLCs on steam for myself and doing the 'Tale of two Wastelands' mod. She has also been using my gaming PC more and more with her own MS account, currently all she has is minecraft and fallout:Shelter but the other day out of nowhere she asked about Fallout I could not have been more proud! She doesn't quite follow the story lines and mission yet but is starting to understand the concept more she is just using my old gamer tag and i had saves for both that she is using, nothing like jumping into BL2 at level 31 lol. So my 8 year old is really starting to get into to RPGs and first person shooters she inherited my PS3 6 months ago and saved up her money to get Borderlands 2 and Skyrim.